Since moving to Singapore in 2010, I quickly realized that this is “Asia’s Silicon Valley”. But despite tremendous growth over the years, the little red dot still has a long way to go. Events like Walkabout Singapore help create interaction, idea sharing and awareness across the city’s tech scene. As a testament of our commitment to startups, Internap joined in the fun of Walkabout Singapore 2013.
So what is Walkabout? Well, the idea is simple. Once a year, all the tech companies in a given city open their doors and let anyone and everyone come visit. Students, geeks, the tech-savvy, the not-so-tech savvy and the just-plain curious – all are welcome to check out their favorite tech companies and see what happens behind the scenes.
This year, a total of 77 companies opened up their doors – up from 31 last year! Our Internap office had a variety of visitors. Some were just curious about what we do every day, while others wanted to learn more about the tech industry and Singapore’s startup scene. We even met a few guys that needed help solving real-world hosting problems!
Walkabout was started in New York City, and last year Internap helped bring it over to Singapore with our friends at Golden Gate Ventures. Unlike the Big Apple, Singapore’s offices can be quite far from each other. This made it impossible for people to meet everyone in a single day. To help with that, we slightly modified Walkabout Singapore to include a rockin’ after party so all of the participants and guests can mingle after hours.
I think it’s safe to say that after this year’s turnout, Walkabout is going to be a staple in Singapore’s tech community for many years to come. The official blog has an excellent breakdown of growth from last year. Not too shabby!
So if you’re just getting started and have tons of hosting questions, come chat with us. We focus on cost-effective hosting solutions that make it easy for you to scale, even on a tight budget. From advanced IP delivery to colocation, we’ve got businesses of all sizes covered around the world in over a dozen of our data centers.
While Internap’s services are synonymous with enterprise-grade solutions, the fledgling entrepreneurial startups are just as important as our bigger, more established customers. Best of all, we always give transparent advice with your best interests in mind, regardless of your company’s size.