Mar 22, 2023

Security Challenges Have Tech Execs Second-Guessing the Cloud

Paul Painter, Director, Solutions Engineering

Keep bad actors out. Teach good cyber hygiene. Monitor for anomalies. Detect attacks faster. Improve response times & techniques. And do it all with fewer resources and smaller budgets. Today’s tech execs certainly have their work cut out for them!

It seems the cyber security “to-do” list gets longer every minute and for many, migrating to the cloud adds even more line items.
The truth is – you could adhere to every security protocol on the planet, but if the other tenants in your shared environment don’t have the same level of stringency, your organization is still at risk.

What’s more, public cloud providers may have a portfolio of readily accessible and up-to-date tools for businesses to secure their data in the cloud, including compliance services for security-focused verticals like healthcare, finance and government. But they still get hacked.

So what’s an IT leader to do? Bring things back in-house, hire new talent, buy more equipment and lose out on all the capabilities the cloud provides? Not likely.

Many say it’s time to reconsider Bare Metal servers because they can deliver privacy and security without sacrificing performance.

You control the level of security. A bare metal server is dedicated to your business, so you don’t have to worry about someone else’s lackadaisical security practices putting your organization at risk.

You configure the servers the way you want. You can configure bare metal servers to meet your business’s exact requirements. And root access makes it easy to upgrade, add resources and scale on demand.

You determine performance. You can pick and choose what applications to install to ensure you have the most disk, memory and processing power available and get the most capacity possible.

Bonus: You never have to worry about “surprise” cloud costs. Bare metal servers are affordable because their costs are predictable. You pay the same monthly fee for the time used. Period.

Bare metal servers can help you check off items on your cybersecurity list, deliver performance and reduce costs, but that’s just the beginning. The more you look into them, the more benefits you’ll discover.


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About Author

Paul Painter

Director, Solutions Engineering

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