Earlier this week, Europe’s largest gathering of game developers took place in Köln, Germany. We’ve compiled a few newsworthy articles to keep you updated on the highlights of the show.
Microsoft CEO: HoloLens Development Kit Ships ‘Within The Next Year;’ AR Headset Gets Xbox Live
At the GDC Europe session, “One Game Across PC, Phone, Xbox and HoloLens,” A Microsoft Games Evangelist revealed that gaming could be on the horizon for the new augmented reality headset. In a separate interview, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said samples of the Microsoft HoloLens development kit will begin shipping by next year, but will be geared toward developers and enterprises first. The consumer version of the AR headset is said to be on a “five year journey”. Read entire article.
GDC Europe Liveblog – Designing to Minimize Simulation Sickness in VR Games
Simulation sickness, when a player feels sick after playing a videogame, has recently received more attention due to the promotion of VR head-mounted displays (HMDs). VR is notorious for producing simulation sickness, but some players can experience simulation sickness in a wide range of videogames, with or without VR. This talk will cover basic design guidelines, based on research that can be followed by developers to reduce the risk of simulation sickness, both in VR and as a general aid to making their game more accessible to a wide range of players.
Read entire article.
GDC Europe 2015: The gaming industry has a woman problem
A panel of women from companies like Square Enix, King, NaturalMotion and Gameloft came together at GDC Europe today to share their experiences as women in the industry and offer advice for increasing diversity. In the gaming industry, hiring and retaining women starts with company culture. This panel discussion also covers discrepancies in pay for women in gaming, and suggestions for creating a more flexible and inclusive work environment.
Read entire article.