Dec 30, 2015

News roundup: 2016 technology predictions

Ansley Kilgore

2016 technology predictionsWhat are the top technology trends for 2016? From new gadgets to industry disruptions, here are a few predictions to keep in mind when planning for next year.

The Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2016

Science fiction could become science fact this year when you take virtual-reality vacations and your dishwasher reorders its own soap. Two themes have emerged as we look ahead. One is liberation: We’re increasingly less shackled, be it to a phone charger or a cable subscription. The other is intelligence: As processing power and bandwidth increase, our machines, services and even messaging apps become more capable. Get ready for advancements in virtual reality, messaging apps, safer drones and new USB ports poised to untangle your cord management issues. Learn more about what’s coming, and what you can do to be ready for it. Read entire article here.

Forrester’s top 10 predictions for business in 2016 — and what they mean for tech

In 2016, the companies that thrive will be those advancing down the customer obsession path.
According to Forrester, those that downplay their customers’ needs will start to wither away. Technology will play a critical role in helping – and in some cases, leading – your organization in adapting and thriving in the age of the customer. Here are the top trends Forrester sees shaping your business in 2016, and what you can do to advance them. Read entire article here.

Tech predictions 2016: 4 business trends to watch

The relentless innovation machine never stops turning in the tech industry, and ZDNet editors are here to help filter out the noise so you can focus on four important themes for 2016. How will AI affect the employment landscape? What does the future hold for Apple? Will the next storage giant be Chinese? And can virtual reality be adapted for broader uses outside of entertainment? As you think about your tech strategy, here are four themes to watch, as compiled by ZDNet editors Larry Dignan, Steve Ranger, Chris Duckett, and Jason Hiner. Read entire article here.

IDG Enterprise editors predict IT trends for 2016

In this video, watch top editors from the IDG enterprise brands (Computerworld, Network World,, CSO) discuss predictions around cloud computing, security, the Internet of Things, wireless, big data/analytics and mobile devices. 2016 will see an increase in hybrid cloud deployments for enterprise IT, and CIOs will need to take the lead on innovation to avoid being marginalized. Read entire article here.

Gartner: Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends For 2016

Gartner’s 2016 technology predictions focus on strategic technologies with the potential for significant business impact. This can include disruption to end users, IT, or the risk of being late to adopt. Gartner refers to the merging of the physical and virtual worlds as the “digital mesh,” and while organizations are focusing on digital business today, algorithmic business is emerging. A new IT reality must also emerge to support the new architecture and platform trends required for digital and algorithmic business. Read entire article here.

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Ansley Kilgore

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