It’s awesome to be recognized. It really makes your day. I can remember when my baseball coach called me out in front of the other kids for a couple of good hits in a game. I can remember winning a participation award in a fishing contest when I was nine (I caught a Brim that was maybe the size of an iPhone). Things like that stick with you.
We recently got the results from a survey done by ACM-Atlantic. This is an organization that provides industry analysis to companies in the CDN industry. Their methodology is to survey the customers of the main players in the CDN industry and provide feedback. The feedback we got was awesome.
For instance:
Of the CDN providers featured in ATLANTIC-ACM’s 2011 CDN Provider Report Card, Internap rated above the industry average and among the top three providers for ‘total network’ capabilities (network uptime/availability and performance).
This is why our clients continue to choose to deliver more websites, games, software downloads and streaming video over our network every day. Performance measured by uptime, throughput and first byte delivery are a priority for a company like Internap whose focus is performance.
Another example:
Of the CDN providers featured in ATLANTIC-ACM’s 2011 CDN Provider Report Card, Internap was one of only two that rated in line with or above average for both product quality AND product price competitiveness.
That’s validation that Internap truly provides the best price-to-performance ratio.
This feedback from our customers provides proof that the route-optimized, TCP-accelerated global CDN that we have been improving over the last four years is getting recognized for the gem that it is. Millions of dollars and man-hours have been spent over that time to make the Internap CDN one of the best performing CDNs in the world. Specifically we can see the results in great comments like:
In ATLANTIC-ACM’s 2011 CDN Provider Report Card — a survey of 140 unique CDN customers — survey respondents rated Internap highly for its ability to deliver a strong combination of product quality, price competitiveness and network value.
-Aaron Blazar, Vice President of Atlantic-ACM
Stuff like this makes me smile. Kinda like when I caught that fish but better. What are your most memorable moments of recognition?