Apr 18, 2019

DART Box™ – Cloud Seeding Made Easy

Paul Painter, Director, Solutions Engineering

Setting up your backup and disaster recovery data in the cloud—called seeding—is the first step in any business continuity plan. The process has two considerations that we at HorizonIQ treat with utmost care: speed and security.

Our proprietary DART Box™ (Data Acquisition and Recovery Transfer) seeding system is the answer to both, allowing you to safely and securely ship large amounts of data into our enterprise, production-grade cloud storage.

INAP dart box

FAQ: Isn’t shipping physical media slower and less secure?

Not necessarily. While creating your first backup over the internet is optimal for small amounts of data, the rate of transfer depends on the congestion of the public network, providers, and routers.

That’s why large datasets in the terabytes can easily take too long for business continuity migration schedules. For security, encryption is typically a safe bet, but there will always be a small risk of the data being intercepted.

Transferring Large Quantities of Data? Use the DART Box™ System.

Large datasets are best seeded with physical media. However, traditional physical media like hard drives, CDs, and thumb drives must be encrypted and securely shipped for maximum peace of mind.

With HorizonIQ’s DART Box system, shipping your organization’s mission-critical data is both safe and simple. We send you specially encrypted 6 TB hard drives in a tamperproof box that includes everything needed to get your business continuity plan moving and digitally secure your data. In addition, the box comes with security measures that will protect your hardware from physical tampering or alert you to any attempts.

diagram of dart box contents

Locally transfer your data, ship it to HorizonIQ, and our data center technicians will take care of the rest. The service is provided free of charge with all HorizonIQ business continuity plans.

Remember, this is a one-time operation: Once the seeding process is complete, you’ll only need to remotely back up the data that changes after the initial transfer. Chat with us to learn more about the DART Box and explore our full suite of security, compliance, and business continuity solutions.

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About Author

Paul Painter

Director, Solutions Engineering

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